To the Editor,

I am writing to ask my friends and neighbors to take action to keep Social Security solvent and to keep the Medicare options that are currently available. I strongly oppose the proposals I’ve seen for privatizing those programs. 

Like many Americans, I am dismayed and disturbed by the seeming takeover of our lives by billionaires who do not support programs that help the average, working-class American. The goal of corporations is to maximize profits for shareholders and to line the pockets of their CEOs, not to serve the public interest. I want them kept out of our decision-making as much as possible.

To keep Social Security solvent, I support the proposition to raise or remove the cap for income subject to Social Security contributions, and to include income from investments as subject to those contributions. I want to protect current retirees from cuts in benefits, and to protect current average wage earners from an additional tax burden. Even a modest raise in the cap would provide a better funding stream for the program.

Any move to privatize Social Security has the possibility of catastrophic losses for current beneficiaries due to market volatility. Privatization would not mitigate the impending insolvency and would likely make it worse. In addition, the cost of transitioning toward privatization would dramatically increase the national debt, which we cannot afford to do. And worst of all, in my opinion, privatization of Social Security would add billions of dollars into the pockets of corporations through brokerage and service fees. 

I also strenuously oppose privatizing Medicare.  I oppose any legislation to make “advantage” a requirement rather than an option. I oppose the use of the term “Medicare” when talking about advantage programs, as they are not Medicare. They are private insurance company policies. I further believe that the advertisements for advantage programs are confusing to most people, who do not understand the decision they are making when signing up for advantage (also known as Part C). Lured by the “free” money they do not see that they are no longer protected by the government-run Medicare program, and their ability to access services now rests with corporations. I do not believe that HMOs or PPOs have my best interest in mind, and I want any health care decisions to be between me and my health care provider, not made by a for-profit business that stands to make billions of dollars from denying me needed services.

I have written to my state Senators and Representative about this matter. If the future of Social Security and Medicare are important to you or to someone you love, I hope you will also make your voices heard.

DMae Ceryes, 
