By Tyler Trieglaff

Notes from the Chief

Here is the breakdown of Calls For Service for the Frazee Police Department. The variety of calls that you read about each week are tallied for 2024. Most of these calls are self-explanatory, but I will explain a few so you won’t be scratching your heads wondering what these calls are about. Court Order Violations deal with Harassment Restraining Orders (HRO), Orders for Protection (OFP) and Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO).  All of these orders are signed by a judge barring one person from having contact with another or others.  The difference between the three is the severity of the issue between the two parties.  

HRO’s are usually for someone bothering a neighbor or family member for example. Usually non-violent and involving some people not getting along. An OFP is signed when there is more of a threat to one of the parties. This can be a result from abuse in the past or present where the two parties need to be kept apart from each other for safety reasons. A DANCO is put into place when there has been a recent investigation and one person is being charged with a crime. The judge signs this order to protect the victim of a crime. These court order violations only go one way. The petitioner files with the court and the paper is served to the respondent. The respondent will have to file their own HRO if they feel they are being harassed.

Crimes Against Families is another number for the Frazee PD. These calls usually involve children’s welfare and also the welfare of adults, mostly those listed as vulnerable adults. Frazee PD works very closely with Becker County Human Services (Child Protection) on these cases.  All of the cases are cross reported with Human Services and we assist on home visits and initiate a criminal investigation when needed.  

Civil Complaints can involve people not getting along and disputing the custody of their children, or people who share property and can’t decide who gets what in a break up.  Most times the officer does not make a decision as to who gets what, as this is a civil matter not a criminal. If the issue cannot be handled civilly, they need to take matters in front of a judge and let the courts decide.  

Officer Detail is sort of a miscellaneous call group with things varying from gas drive-offs to giving someone a ride home to having to break into someone’s home because they left their keys inside.  

Welfare Checks are basically checking up on people that someone either hasn’t heard from in some time or dealing with someone that isn’t in their right place according to the caller. These calls can lead to helping someone who is lost, someone who is having a mental crisis, or even finding a deceased person. Some of these calls can be very basic while some can be very unpredictable.

Suspicious Activity calls can be very basic but can be very dangerous too. A report of a vehicle at a park can just be two young people “talking in the backseat.” It can also be a person with a felony warrant who does not want to go back to prison and has several weapons with them. One never knows what the call is going to be when it comes out.   

I have described a few of the calls in more detail that we handle on a weekly basis.  If you have any questions about the calls please feel free to email myself at

2024 Frazee PD calls received/responded to….

911 Hang Up 21 Abduction/Kidnapping 1         

Alarm Related 22 Animal Related 71

Assault 4

Assist 56

Assist Other Agency 23

Attempt to Locate (ATL) 4

Burglary 4

Crimes Against Family 26

City Ordinance Violation 40 Civil Complaint 17

Court Order Violation 8 Civil Process 1

Death 0 Disorderly Conduct 2

Disturbance 48 Domestic 17

Drug Related 6 Extra Patrol Request 7

Fire Calls 9 Fireworks 2

Fraud 11 Funeral Escort 0

Harassment 18 Haz Mat   3

Information Only 75 Juvenile Misc. 59

Liquor Violation 0 Medical 65

Mental Health Call 5 Missing/Lost Person 2

Motor Vehicle Crash 24 RR/Train Related 1

Motor Vehicle Theft 3 Noise Complaint 2

Overdose 0 Officer Detail 13

Parking Complaint 48 Offender Registration 0

Lost/Found Property 30 Property Damage 17 

Pursuit 2

Robbery 1

Runaway 1 Sexual Conduct 8

Shoplifting 1 Snowmobile Related 0

Shots Fired Call 2 Suicide Related 7

Suspicious Activity 84 Theft 24

Threats 14 Trespass 20

Traffic Complaint 45

Traffic Stop                 149

Vandalism 12

Motorist Assist 13

Vehicle Unlock 26 Recovered Vehicle 0

Warrant Arrest 5 Warrant Attempt 3

Search Warrant 1 Weapon Violation 0

Welfare Check 61 Vehicle Off Road 0

Friday, Dec, 27

11:42 a.m. Complaint of a dump truck and trailer parked for an extended period of time. Vehicle was moved after a chat with the owner.

3:49 p.m. Disturbance reported on Cherry Ave. Family members not getting along.

Sunday, Dec. 29

12:24 a.m. 911 hang-up, all on call back.

6:41 p.m. 911 hang-up. Elderly resident with a cell phone that was acting up. Phone was going all kinds of crazy as officer was looking at it. Officer advised that it may be time for a new phone.

Monday, Dec. 30

6:02 p.m. Welfare check on a female. Female was checked on and information relayed to her kids.

Tuesday, Dec. 31

12:19 a.m. Assist with a medical alarm.

8:41 a.m. Traffic stop for stop sign violation.

11:16 a.m. Male reporting property damage from the disturbance earlier in the week.

3:21 p.m. Report of a suspicious vehicle driving up and down Lake St S. Unable to find vehicle.

11:26 p.m. The exact moment I entered this world, 51 years ago.

Wednesday, Jan. 1

8:44 a.m. Assist with retrieving property for one party who can’t go to the property due to a court order.

Thursday, Jan. 2

2:54 p.m. Civil standby as male retrieved property from his house, again due to the court order.