Drivers need to be cautious and alert around school buses
Published on February 19, 2025 at 3:39pm EST | Author: frazeevergas
0By Scott Luhman
Frazee Police Department
Notes from the Officer…Chief Trieglaff is on a much deserved vacation this week. Since I don’t farm, I will stick to an important safety topic. I just wanted to give everyone a reminder on school bus stop arm safety.
I have given out four citations for vehicles driving past the school bus when the stop sign and red lights are flashing since the beginning of 2024. It is state law that you must stop for a school bus when the stop arm and red lights are flashing.
I would even tell you to stop for the bus when the lights are flashing yellow before they turn red. This is for the safety of the children getting off the bus. If there is a child outside of the bus the penalty is enhanced to a Gross Misdemeanor increasing fines, potential jail time, and immediate arrest.
The Anderson Bus Company has a ton of good information on their Facebook page on this subject if you have any questions. So please be on the lookout for those giant yellow buses and their bright red lights to help our children stay safe while getting on or off the bus.
Saturday, Feb. 8
2:06 p.m. Dog at large, owner was cited
2:46 p.m. Vehicle unlock request
7:31 p.m. Assisted Becker County with a domestic incident outside of Frazee
9:33 p.m. Assisted Becker County and Minnesota Highway Patrol with a motor vehicle crash on MN Highway 87
Sunday, Feb. 9
2:49 p.m. Report of a disturbance between three parties over a cell phone
9 p.m. Medical call
Monday, Feb. 10
10:50 a.m. 911 Hang up call
3:05 p.m. Traffic complaint in the area of Dollar general
5:07 p.m. Report of two parties fighting at a residence, when officers arrived no disturbance was found at the address. Female reporting party was located, and she said she thought she heard some people arguing but did not witness anything. Female was arrested for several outstanding warrants.
10:50 p.m. Officer noticed two customers in All N All after closing hours and parked outside on Main Ave. Once they exited the driver of the car was known not to have a valid driver’s license. After a short time, the two people left on foot. The officer offered both individuals a ride home. The passengers of the vehicle accepted, and the driver did not. When the Officer drove by All N All the vehicle was gone.
11:14 p.m. Report of a vehicle in the ditch south of Frazee in Otter Tail County, a male was seen walking northbound from the area. Officer arrived at the location and recognized the same male and vehicle from the previous call who did not have a valid drive’s license. The male claimed another person was driving the car and left on foot. Only one set of footprints were seen around the car. Driver will possibly be cited for Driving after cancellation.
11:45 p.m. Medical call
Tuesday, Feb. 11
4:28 p.m. Welfare check on a female walking between the High School and Funeral Home not dressed for the cold. Officer checked the area and did not locate anyone.
5:02 p.m. Traffic stop, warning for Improper Lane Use on Lake St
6:07 p.m. Report of a male ringing a doorbell to the wrong apartment. Male was there attempting to collect property from a different apartment.
11:20 p.m. Assisted Becker County investigate a Robbery that happened outside Frazee.
Wednesday, Feb. 12
9:55 a.m. Report request
6:32 p.m. Female had medical question
8:29 p.m. Caller had concerns about another party’s mental health.
Thursday, Feb. 13
1:20 p.m. Welfare check request by a family member that had not heard from a resident. Female party was ok and called her family member.
7:57 p.m. Report of a possible sighting of a missing dog from Menahga. Checked W Main Ave for the Black German Shepherd named Ace and did not locate anything.