By Tyler Trieglaff

Notes from the Chief

Notes from the Chief…Welp. City ordinance season is upon us. The Frazee Police Department is tasked with enforcing our city ordinances as well as state statutes. The police department in the past sent courtesy letters to residents in an effort to persuade compliance with public nuisance type issues.  

This year the courtesy letter may not be issued, especially for repeat offenders. There is a city administrative fine that may be issued in hopes of gaining compliance. These fines are $50 per incident per day.  

Most times we issue a citation and wait for compliance, if not, a state citation can be issued if the fine is not paid or if the public nuisance is not taken care of.  

Here is part of the Public Nuisance Ordinance we follow:


A. Declaration Of Nuisance: Any motor vehicle described in this section shall constitute a hazard to the health and welfare of the residents of the community as such vehicles can harbor noxious diseases, furnish a shelter and breeding ground for vermin, and present physical danger to the safety and well being of children and citizens. Motor vehicles also contain various fluids which, if released into the environment, can and do cause significant health risks to the community.

B. Inoperable Motor Vehicles: It shall be unlawful to keep, park, store, or abandon any motor vehicle that is not in operating condition, partially dismantled, used for repair of parts or as a source of repair or replacement parts for other vehicles, kept for scrapping, dismantling, or salvage of any kind, or which is not properly licensed for operation within the state, pursuant to Minnesota statutes section 168B.011, subdivision 3, as it may be amended from time to time.

Remember…  A clean town is a happy town!!!

Friday, Feb. 28

12:28 a.m. Alarm at a business.

7:51 a.m. Traffic stop for speed.

10:18 a.m. Report of a loose dog by the beach.  Dog owner was contacted.

7:17 p.m. Traffic stop for 1 head light and no working taillights.  

Saturday, March 1

3:51 p.m. Report of a cat getting into a business.

Sunday, March 2

3:43 p.m. Report that an older male customer was making comments to a teenager that made her uncomfortable. Officer talked with both parties and made it clear to the male that a simple hello will suffice any conversation that needs to be had aside from any transaction at the business.

9:24 p.m. Report from a male that came to town to purchase a tandem trailer off of Facebook Marketplace. No trailer or party of that name at the residence in town, most likely a scam. No money exchanged hands.

Monday, March 3

6:20 p.m. Report of a male hanging out at a residence and being suspicious due to his probation restrictions. Information sent to the male’s probation officer.

Tuesday, March 4

3:18 p.m. Traffic stop for stop sign violation.

Wednesday, March 5

8:26 a.m. Traffic stop with speed warning.

1:30 p.m. Report of a male attempting to enter a residence. Male was gone by the time officer and deputies arrived in the area.

7:35 p.m. SOS call from a smart watch; the wearer was not responding. Dispatch was able to talk with the party and all was fine.

7:57 p.m. Vehicle unlock on Maple Ave W.

12:39 p.m. Resident calling with questions about public nuisances and vehicle parking.

8:35 p.m. Officer received videos of two dogs that were off the owner’s property and in the neighbor’s yards. Citations for Dog at Large issued.

11:38 p.m. Assist with a resident who was having issues with her eyes.