By Chad Koenen


Madeline Matejka and Krysten Halverson each shot a 108 to lead Frazee at an 18-hole meet at Perham Lakeside on Thursday, May 6. 

Alexis Mack finished with a score of 114 and McKenzie Wake finished with a score of 132.

Mallory Belka of Perham was the medalist with a score of 78. 

Hawley won the team title followed by Perham, Barnesville, Frazee, Dilworth-Glyndon-Felton, Breckenridge and Pelican Rapids. 

The Frazee golfers will get back on the links this week as they will travel to Pelican Rapids for a 9-hole meet on Tuesday and an 18-hole meet in Hawley on Thursday.