Frazee school board makes annual appointments

By Barbie Porter


Long-time Early Childhood Family Education  Coordinator Karrie Schultz will be retiring at the end of the school year. 

The Frazee-Vergas School Board approved the resignation during the monthly meeting on Monday, Jan. 11.

The Latch Key Supervisor Nicole Kohler has also resigned, effective Jan. 3.

The school board also appointed its members to committees and made official designations for operations during their meeting. 

School board member appointments were: Thaddeus Helmers as chair, Kimberly Antonsen as vice chair, Daneele Shipman as clerk and Nathan Matejka as treasurer.

Appointments to committees were also made as follows:

• Certified Personnel Negotiations will include Helmers, Shipman and Board Member Michael Frank.

• Non-Certified Personnel Negotiations will include Matejka, Antonsen and Shipman.  

• ASCME Personnel Negotiations will include Antonsen and Board member Tyler Trieglaff.

• Curriculum planning members will include Frank and Trieglaff.

• Budget and Facilities committee members are Matejka and Trieglaff.

• Becker County Children’s Initiative will have Antonsen as a school representative.

• Community Education Representatives will be Antonsen and Trieglaff.

• Early Childhood Family Education will have Antonsen as a board liaison.

•  Frazee Area Action Fund Representative will be Shipman.

• Meet and Confer members will be Helmers, Shipman and Matejka.

• Minnesota Rural Education Association board representative will be Antonsen.

• Minnesota State High School League representatives will be Matejka and Frank.

• World’s Best Workforce board members will include Helmers and Shipman.

The compensation rates for the board meetings and travel costs were kept the same as the previous year.

The board also kept the same designations for counsel (Pemberton, Sorlie, Rufer, Kershner), depositories (United Community Bank of Frazee, Vergas State Bank, Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund) the official newspaper being Frazee-Vergas Forum with District Administration Office as official notice board and unofficial notice board being the high school and elementary offices. 

Monthly school board meetings will continue to be held the second Monday of the month.