To the Editor,

I just received my Proposed Taxes 2022 notification and l as I read through the listings for Becker County, my township and School District, I stopped, went back to the School District and said, “What in the Blue Hades is going on here?”.  Last year I paid $378.00 and this year the proposed amount is $503.00.  That’s a difference of $125.00.  

I can’t be the only landowner in this school district shaking my head in dismay over this arbitrary decision, by the school district, to increase the taxes paid to them.  What are we paying for?  I’m all for education but a new football field, a track complex, grandstand, press box, concession stand and bathrooms not so much.  

If the school district thinks that they need all this then they need to do a referendum and let the people decide if they want to pay for it instead of telling us you will pay for this.   

Deborah K. Seaberg

Detroit Lakes