By Becker County
Master Gardeners

Pay special attention to your houseplants to keep them looking healthy this winter. The sun is weaker and days are shorter, so move plants to brighter windows if possible. Combat low indoor humidity by grouping plants together, checking their soil frequently and watering thoroughly with room temperature water whenever the soil feels dry a little below the surface. Wipe stems and leaf surfaces (upper and lower) with a soft wet rag to remove dust and allow maximum light penetration. 

The low humidity of most Minnesota houses means that many fungal and bacterial leaf spots and blights do not thrive on houseplants during the winter months. Root rots however can be a problem for overwatered plants. To avoid root diseases, use pots that have drainage holes at the bottom. Choose a potting media that provides appropriate drainage. Before watering, test the potting soil with your finger to determine if the plant needs water. Heavy water logged soils that are never allowed to dry out will encourage root rotting fungi and can result in the wilting and death of infected plants.

Spread sand on icy sidewalks, rather than commercially prepared ice-melting chemicals, all of which are potentially damaging to nearby plants. Even fertilizer (sometimes suggested for its ice melting properties) can burn plant roots where it accumulates.  To get sand to adhere to the ice, dampen it with a little hot water then throw it sideways, so it skitters across the ice.  In spring, sweep it off hard surfaces for re-use. It poses no harm to surrounding soil.

For best selection, purchase seeds now for spring planting