By Tyler Trieglaff

Notes from the Chief

Notes from the Farm…This past week we did sell our replacement heifers and bought back eight pregnant heifers, hoping for a quicker turn around. They have settled in well and are enjoying a lavish lifestyle on the farm.

The hoof trimmer was out this past week and gave pedicures to 15 cows and four bulls.  Some were in dire need of a trim as their hooves were starting to curl under, making it painful to walk. The bulls received a maintenance trim, hoping that they keep their wheels underneath them during the breeding season.  

Having a bull that does not want to chase the cows due to a sore foot won’t make for a successful conception rate. This process has changed over the years. The hoof trimmer drives his pickup up to the chute and a headgate contraption folds down that the cows walk into and then are secured by being squeezed by the chute. The entire chute then rotates with the cow lying on its side. Each foot is secured by a clamp that is hydraulically closed. 

The hoof trimmer then goes to work with a high speed grinder and a “hoof trimming disk” which is a metal blade that can be resharpened. You better not stand to close as chunks of toenails are flying everywhere. You need to protect yourself as those shards don’t feel too good if they hit you in the face.  

Each animal was in the chute for 2-3 minutes and we were done in about an hour. After the biggest bull was trimmed, the trimmer’s quote was, “he’ll be good for another hundred thousand miles.” What a perfect time for a realignment.

Have a good week!

Friday, March 7

4:58 p.m. Report of juvenile boys having issues amongst each other and threats were made. Officer talked with parents involved to help quell the situation.

10:20 p.m. Assist with a wrong way driver on US Hwy 10. Frazee officer located vehicle just over the Otter Tail County line. Driver was arrested for DWI.

Saturday, March 8

7:16 p.m. Report of a dog on neighbor’s property.

8:58 p.m. Attempt to arrest a male with a warrant. Male turned himself in Monday morning.

10:41 p.m.  Report of a female driving without a license. Unable to locate.

Sunday, March 9

4:13 p.m. Gas station employee concerned about a vehicle that was in the parking lot for several hours.

7:22 p.m. Large fire in a gravel pit in town. All under control and a permit was obtained.

10:07 p.m. Vehicle parked in the no parking zone on Lake St N. Officer had someone from the wedding party move the vehicle.

Monday, March 10

3:08 p.m. Resident complaining about people leaving trash in his yard.

3:30 p.m. Teenager reporting losing his wallet before school.

6:05 p.m. Resident requesting extra patrol as they just moved to town and they are worried about relatives harassing them. Officer gave advice about restraining orders also.

6:17 p.m. Complaint of ice chunks from in front of a house tossed into the street. Officer drove over some of the chunks and kicked the larger pieces to the curb.

6:27 p.m. Report of a domestic between a male and female. Male and female arguing about a mess in the kitchen and other things. Both were intoxicated and neither were willing to leave. A friend showed up to help and keep the peace.

11:48 p.m. Report of tires being slashed. Under investigation. Most likely a lovers’ quarrel. 

Tuesday, March 11

12:52 a.m.    Officer found a suspicious vehicle running and talked with the occupant.  Vehicle owner was sleeping at a friends house.

2:32 p.m. Traffic stop for speeding.

4:28 p.m. Disturbance between male and female. Female was given a ride to DL.

6:29 p.m. License plate turned into police. Officer delivered the plate to the rightful owner.

7:16 p.m. Report of a lost wallet.

Wednesday, March 12

12:31 a.m. Traffic stop for stop sign violation.

11:05 a.m. Report of a female driving without a license. Unable to locate.

4:27 p.m. Report of a window and bath company going door to door. Officer told the party that door to door solicitation was not allowed in Frazee without a permit.  Salesman was very understanding and asked about a permit. Party decided against going to city hall for a permit and told officer they were going to “bounce” out of town.

6:57 p.m. Report from a party that picked up a dog that had made the rounds on social media that the dog was running around. Party picked up the dog from the yard the dog belongs to and took it home, then called police. Party brought the dog back to town and officer took the dog to its owner. Officer told the concerned party that social media is not the same as calling the police when dealing with such issues.  

11:51 p.m. Report from earlier in the day of the theft of a wallet from the laundromat.  Video shows the perpetrators and vehicle license plate. Under investigation.

Thursday, March 13

12:29 a.m. Parking citation issued to vehicle parked over 24 hours on Main Ave downtown.

12:06 p.m. Report of a motor vehicle crash. Officer assisted in exchange of information between parties.

12:52 p.m. Party dropped off a debit card at the PD. Officer took it to the bank.

3:08 p.m. Traffic stop for stop sign violation.

7:16 p.m. Report of a hit and run. Officer found the violator and got the insurance information other party. Under investigation.

8:06 p.m. Officers noted several city ordinance violations in town, with five “inoperable” vehicles on the radar. Citations will not be sent out yet as the warning letter was just in the paper this week and the information was also on the back of the water bill.

10:37 p.m. Report of an employee suspecting suspicious activity while closing a business. Officer stood by while things were locked and assisted the employee to their car.