By Pastor Ryan Stockstrom

Harvest Fellowship Church

None of us like to be insufficient. Most people don’t want to come across as needy. Whether that’s having a lack of knowledge about a situation, lacking the required skills, or simply having ‘insufficient funds’, I don’t know anyone who is proud of not having what they need to handle a situation.  

As a matter of fact, even when we do have the required skill set or ability, many of us struggle with “imposter syndrome,” thinking that we don’t have what it takes to get the job done or meet the need at hand.  

It is interesting to me that our place of lack or need is often the exact place that Jesus likes to show up. Consider Jesus’ first recorded miracle: The wedding at Cana found in John 2.  

The wedding party had run out of wine to offer their guests. Wine was a central refreshment in those days, and to run out would’ve been a social disgrace for the newlyweds. The situation so troubled Jesus’ mother, that she asked Him to step in. And He did—in a huge way.  

The water that Jesus turned into wine was so good the master of the feast exclaimed, “You have saved the best till last!”  

What is it about our need that draws God to step in? I believe God is often waiting for us to turn to Him to be our sufficiency. But it does take laying down our pride, and seeking Him to meet us.  

James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”  

Instead of hiding your insufficiencies, let’s bring them to God in prayer. You never know what kind of miracle He is waiting to step in to do on your behalf.”