By Pastor Ryan Stockstrom

Harvest Church

Creatio Ex Nihilo is a Latin phrase meaning “creation from nothing.” Can something come from nothing? Can greatness happen where it hasn’t happened before, or in a long time?

One idea within the Christian faith is that God created something from nothing. Not only did He create something—He created the entire universe in all its grandeur. Of course, there was not completely “nothing” in the beginning, because there was Him. Another truth is that God has existed for all eternity—something my finite mind has a really hard time comprehending. So God started creation from Himself! There was something within Him—His nature and character—that ignited creation.

We read in Genesis that God spoke, and the world was created. He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. He spoke the stars into the expanse of the sky and placed the moon to be a luminary at night and to help us mark out our calendar. He spoke, and creation came from within His being.

I think this creation pattern can be used today. Now, we can’t create matter out of nothing like God, but we are creative beings. I believe God loves to use people made in His image to create—to do something different—to innovate and bring change for the good of our world. This may start from the birth of an idea that originates in your mind, or it may be something that God puts on your heart and nudges you toward. It may be a need in the community that needs to be filled.

I believe the greatest innovation comes when we are focused on listening to what the Creator is nudging us toward. If God is in the initiation of a thing, He will empower it through. So what is the missing element? If we have the example that God has given us through creation and the fact that He has made us intelligent, creative beings in His image, why is there not more change, innovation, and creation happening in our world and communities? I would say it takes an element of faith.

Faith is believing in what we cannot see—it is seeing what is not yet here, and it requires risk for people to step out. To step out in faith is to take steps toward something that is not yet here and yet fully believe it can be. This is where innovation takes shape. It gains momentum, and change begins to happen. But even before that, we need to have a vision. We need to pray. If you are a follower of God, you need to allow yourself to ruminate on the vision in your heart and mind in prayer. Then, just as God did, it needs to be spoken aloud. You share your thoughts, your heart, and your ideas with trustworthy people who can come alongside you to help bring the vision to completion.

I think this process has been happening in Frazee more and more in the last five years. There is fresh vision. There are people willing to step out in faith, and literally, innovation, creativity, and businesses and groups are starting or being refreshed—as if from nothing. I’m excited for the days ahead in Frazee, Minnesota.

Do you have an idea? A dream? A vision? May I suggest you bring it in prayer to the God who created the universe from nothing? And then, take some steps of faith into the unknown.