To the Editor, 

The way the political parties view issues abound. Women’s health care and who should control that care, how to deal with the economy, LBGTQ+, the effort by some to try to take over the agendas of the schools instead of allowing teachers to teach, the alleged crimes of presidential candidates, who should police the ethics of the Supreme Court, etc. The question is, how best to resolve the issues?

The issues cannot be resolved when legislators, especially in this area, claim credit for all the good the last state session accomplished when they uniformly voted NO to the vast majority of the laws that were passed. Whether you vote YES or NO, stand by and defend your vote to your constituency. In short, tell the truth about your vote and why you voted that way. The voters are intelligent enough to make the right decision about whom to vote for.

In my opinion, the opportunity to resolve our differences is to have respectful and courteous discussions one-on-one or in groups and try to hear and understand the other side and then discuss how you differ and why. The views of the sides may not change but at least all can feel that they were heard. I believe the days of voting R simply because the candidate is of your party should end.

Cornel Walker,

Former SD 9 Senate 
