
  • Thank You

    Published on October 22, 2024 at 2:50pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    I would like to thank everyone that came to my birthday party and also for the cards and gifts. God Bless You, Arlice Wirth

  • Hunting, a cherished freedom to keep

    Published on October 22, 2024 at 2:50pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    To the Editor, I may be getting old enough that I don’t go out to hunt – as much as I used to do. But having that freedom gave us something to look forward to every fall! Now there seems to be a lot of concern on keeping our 2nd amendment rights. Though not the Primary reason… Read More

  • When job search stalls, buy a plane ticket

    Published on October 22, 2024 at 2:49pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    Felicia Teiken If you’ve ever had one of those weeks where you’re doing loads of fun things but can’t shake the feeling that you should really be at home applying for jobs, well, welcome to my life. For the last year, I’ve been in job search limbo, where I’ve applied to literally hundreds of jobs…. Read More

  • Joker sequel falls short of the overly-successful original

    Published on October 16, 2024 at 12:46pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    Garver’s Movie Review Bob Garver Back in 2019, “Joker” managed to make over $1 billion at the global box office and earn itself 11 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and a Best Actor win for Joaquin Phoenix. I recall respecting the movie for Phoenix’s performance and the inspired idea to paint him as a Scorsese-style antihero,… Read More

  • Loose calf gives officers the slip

    Published on October 16, 2024 at 12:39pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    Notes from the Farm…All the cows and calves are home and eating our third crop hayfields that we did not cut and bale. They can also munch on a couple corn fields that have been chopped for silage.  We will put the cows on a different corn field once we run the combine through that field. … Read More

  • Tried-and-true ways to predict the weather

    Published on October 16, 2024 at 12:39pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda The weird and different ways people have of predicting the weather have always entertained me. First, though, you have to realize that I grew up a couple of growing zones south of here, where it didn’t get as cold, and if it did, it didn’t hang around as long. It was still… Read More

  • Farm to school movement has exploded across the country

    Published on October 16, 2024 at 12:38pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    To the Editor, Farm to School is a win for students, a win for farmers, and a win for communities. It strengthens our food system and our local economies, and it provides opportunities for students to develop new skills, such as agricultural or livestock production, and marketing, business, and entrepreneurship. Over the past decade, the farm to… Read More

  • Scofflaw yellow lab on the loose in town

    Published on October 8, 2024 at 4:43pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    By Tyler Trieglaff Notes from the Chief Friday, Sept. 27 7:54 a.m. Traffic stop for turn signal out. 8:28 a.m. Report of a school bus stop arm violation on Lake St. S. 11:26 a.m. Gas line hit behind city hall. Minnesota Energy on scene to take care of the issue. 4:31 p.m. Traffic stop for stop sign violation. 4:59 p.m. Traffic stop… Read More

  • Vote to protect the First Amendment and the integrity of libraries

    Published on October 8, 2024 at 4:43pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    To the Editor, Public libraries are making headlines nationwide and have become an unexpected target of efforts to limit individual rights, freedom of speech and critical thinking. Nationwide, Minnesota has taken a strong leadership stance in protecting Andrew Carnegie’s vision of public libraries as “dedicated to the diffusion of knowledge.” As a 2013 National Public Radio… Read More

  • Human hand signals

    Published on October 8, 2024 at 4:42pm EDT frazeevergas| Author: frazeevergas

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    The Prairie Spy Alan “Lindy” Linda The other evening at a public gathering of some sort or other, Lt. S got my attention from across a gift display table. She was making swiping motions at me, across her face with her hands. I observed her doing it, and wondered if she had developed sudden onset Parkinson’s, or… Read More

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